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CERT.CTAD - Certificate: Collegiate Teaching in Art + Design

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The 6-credit RISD and TLAD Certificate in Collegiate Teaching in Art + Design builds on the momentum and history of graduate student and faculty interest in developing a reflective teaching practice, and also reflects current practice at other institutions of higher education offering graduate teaching certificates. It uses the College as a site for the examination, practice, advancement and research into collegiate level studio pedagogy. The certificate is housed in Teaching + Learning in Art + Design Department and provides benefits by access to the vitality and pedagogical practices of the RISD faculty, which also provides participating graduate students with the models of teaching that can inform the creation of a personal teaching philosophy and development as future faculty.

The certificate provides an institutional endorsement for those graduate students with interests in pursuing teaching opportunities in higher education. When examined alongside other academic and professional qualifications, it provides students a value-added edge.

The certificate program offers two tracks outlined below. Track 2 is for graduate students who are approved as instructors or co-instructors for a Wintersession course and receive “Conferred with Collegiate Teaching Experience” on their certificate.

Degree Requirements



Certificate in Collegiate Teaching in Art + Design

Certificate in Collegiate Teaching in Art + Design

Conferred with Collegiate Teaching Experience

Requirement Sequence

Requirement Sequence


TLAD 044G: Collegiate Teaching: Preparation & Reflection

3 credits


TLAD 044G: Collegiate Teaching: Preparation & Reflection

3 credits




TLAD 055G: Collegiate Studio: Discipline Centered Learning

3 credits


GRAD 010G: Collegiate Teaching Practicum*

(Wintersession only)


Instructor or Co-instructor of Record for a Wintersession Course

3 credits

0 credits


*Each participant is required to be teaching or co-teaching a concurrent Wintersession course.