The Department of Teaching + Learning in Art + Design requires MA candidates submit a capstone thesis in partial fulfillment of degree requirements. Candidates are given a degree of flexibility in determining the format for this work, but typically it takes the form of either a thesis monograph essay or a thesis book. The thesis monograph essay provides candidates with the opportunity to focus on a deep investigation of a single subject framed within the context of learning and through art and design. An essential characteristic of this approach to the thesis is in how it provides evidence of the candidate's ability to move beyond description to analysis and how they are able to place the subject of investigation within the realm of scholarship. The thesis book provides a candidate with the opportunity to make sense of their journey through their program in a more autobiographical and documentary manner. The thesis book format affords candidates the opportunity to explore how form can be exploited to visualize research. Whether presented as a thesis monograph essay or thesis book, this capstone requirement provides MA candidates with a formal opportunity to make public their understanding about a specific aspect of the nature of arts learning gained through their coursework, excursions into the scholarly literature and fieldwork experiences. The purpose here, therefore, is to conceive of the thesis not merely as an academic exercise but also contributing to program development as well as providing a reservoir of understandings that will inform the candidate's future professional practice as an educator.

Enrollment is limited to Teaching + Learning in Art + Design Students.

Major Requirement | MA Teaching + Learning in Art + Design